Moses Kitheka is the commercial sales manager at Davis & Shirtliff, the leading supplier of water and energy solutions in East Africa. Born in a huge family of 11, Moses is the 9th born, having 2 brothers and 8 sisters. He has a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Engineering (JKUAT).He is also an alumnus of Tala Boys High school. The father of two shares his journey with us.

You have such a loud and bubbly personality!Have you always been like this?

I have no idea what you’re talking about (Laughs).I am a polite, tired ol’ mzee.

When and where were you happiest last?

I constantly try to seek happy moments. So I’d say I’m happy probably every time and everywhere😊.

Can you cook? What is your favorite meal?

Yes! My favorite meal is Muthokoi mixed up with either beans or green cowpeas (nzuu)! I usually like it best, fried with lots of onions!

Is this the career path you always dreamed of?

Certainly! My current career path allows me to touch people’s lives. People need food, water and energy to get by and what I am doing allows me to help facilitate that.

How did it all start? Did you join Davis & Shirtliff as a manager or did you climb up?

It’s been a long climb. I started of as a sales engineering intern. After  confirmation, I stayed in that position for 3 years then got promoted to Retail Sales Manager. Since then, I have moved to CBS (Commercial Building Service) to head the department and currently stand as the Commercial Sales Manager at Davis & Shirtliff Kenya.

What's your take on mentors?Do you have one?

We all stand in different positions & at different times in the world and to a larger extent the universe. Each person will always have a different perspective. In view of that, when it comes to mentorship, I willingly listen to everyone but ultimately I sieve the information I receive. I only take in what works for me. However if I was to choose a mentor, I would say that I have an eternal mentor and that is my lord, Jesus Christ. Whilst on earth, he left a great model – that which I seek to follow closely.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career?

My wife,  Lema. She is a hard worker and a very balanced human being.

What is your motto?

“Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them”- Luke 6:31

What do you consider as your greatest achievement so far?

I would say that having modelled many young men & women to take corporate leadership roles has been a great honor for me. In addition to that, being a strong pillar for our family, especially after the death of our beloved mum has brought me great fulfillment.

What career growth tips would you recommend for an early career professional who feels stuck?

Put your best foot forward! Work hard and persevere! If you don’t get recognized right now, take it as an opportunity to build yourself up for the future. Sooner or later, someone will eventually see your potential! Don’t hold back and always do your best.

Over the course of your career, what are some of the greatest leadership lessons you've learned?

Three things;

  • Do what doesn’t have to be done now!
  • Always seek a win-win!
  • Empower! 

What quality do you value most in a member of your team?

Empathy! This is key because humans are flawed and we are all going through various struggles. It is important to put oneself in another’s shoes when dealing with others.

What do you value most in your friends?

Their honesty! Honest people will never back-stab you. They instead, will make you a better person through giving open and candid counsel.

What is the worst advice you've ever received?

That I should compare myself with others.

What do you do for fun?

I love to golf. I also like enjoying what nature has to offer. I’m often out in the wild studying God’s creation. Books are also my thing. I like reading Lee Child & David Baldacci novels’

Any relationship advice for the young gentlemen still looking to settle down?

Take your time! Seek to marry someone who is your friend first and foremost because she is going to be your immediate neighbor indefinitely. Look at how she treats your friends and family as well. Choose wisely! She may make or break you.